Free real-time streaming level ii stock quotes shown here display live stock orders as they flow through the ECNs.
If you cannot see the quotes then you can turn off your Internet browser popup blocker for and try again. Regular business hours for the US stock market is from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM EST.
Not all stock orders are shown here regardless of whether they are sent during regular market hours, pre-market or after hours. Pre-market or after hours stock trading can be riskier since there is usually less liquidity so the spreads between the bid (buy orders) and ask (sell orders) prices is usually greater than during normal market hours. Some brokers charge an additional fee for after hours trades.
Stock price and volume shown is not necessarily at the best bid or ask prices and do not reflect the entire stock market order flow. Real-time streaming level ii stock quotes provided here is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide any type of stock trading advice.
Level 2 data source is provided by a 3rd party. does not control or influence the level 2 data feed.
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