Find correlations between stocks by using our stock correlation tool. Linear correlation coefficient values range from -1 to 1 with 1 showing a perfect positive correlation and -1 a perfect negative correlation. calculates correlation coefficients only for stocks that have average volume of at least 200,000 shares and have averaged above $1 per share in the last 60 trading days.
Correlation between stocks can identify related stocks such as those within a market sector. However, there could be undiscovered relationships between stocks. Identifying stocks that move together or opposite of each other can help with portfolio diversification.
The correlation coefficient is displayed for each combination of stocks when you hover over each color-coded data point on the main plot. The + (plus) or - (minus) sign in the upper right corner indicates if the plot is displaying positive or negative correlations. The value of the correlation coefficient is shown above the correlation plot and looks like
this ->
For a detailed discussion explaining what each of the lines and numbers mean visit
Linear Correlation Explained. Additional correlation tools are found at Our correlation tools provide nice multiple graphical displays of how strong the correlation is between 2 stocks. If the points on the scatter plot appear to be scattered closely around a positive sloped line then this suggests a strong correlation between stocks. On the plot below, the correlation (or anti-correlation) is stronger for points closer to the center of the plot. Red always represents the strongest correlation (or anti-correlation) found. Correlation decreases clockwise on the tree. Hover over the data points to view the name of the stock. All data is updated daily.